
Published by: Electronic ArtsAfter being promoted by Michael Corleone to Don of New York, players expand
Developed by: EA Redwood Shores Studio
Release Date: April 7, 2009
Genre: Action
to new cities, as they build up their families through extorting businesses
monopolizing illegal crime rings and defeating new families in an effort to
become the most powerful mob family in America. To help players manage
their empire, The Godfather II introduces "The Don's View" an innovative
strategy meta-game that allows players to oversee the entire world as they
grow the family business. Using the Don's View, players will be able to
build, defend and expand their crime rings, while keeping an eye on the
movements and plans of the rival families. Players will also learn to master
the business of organized crime by building a family of Made Men, hiring
crew, handing out orders, and promoting their best men up the ranks.
Set in a stunning open-world environment, The Godfather II expands on the
popular gameplay mechanics of the first game and doubles down on the series
signature BlackHand control scheme, which now features even more visceral
hand-to-hand brutality at your fingertips, introducing a new combo system
pressure tactics and executions. In The Godfather II, players will fight
alongside their hand-picked crew, who have their own skills and expertise.
Each family member specializes in a specific field such as demolitions
arson, engineering, first-aid and more. As The Don you control the family
sending some of your men on missions while heading off into action with
others. The combination of strategic organized crime gameplay and brutal
BlackHand action sets The Godfather II apart from other open-world games.

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