Alien Arena 2009 (2009/ENG) | 220 MB
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About the Game: Alien Arena - a futuristic first-person shooter. To be more precise, this is not a game, a series of games, which added to the new version of the game about once a year. Here, referring to the Alien Arena, means the latest version of the game.
The game focuses on multiplayer, but it is possible to fight against bots, computer controlled.
Alien Arena includes 60 game cards, 5 characters (people, alien and robot), 9 weapons, each of which has two modes of fire.
Minimum System Requirements:
System: Windows XP (SP 2) / Vista
CPU: Pentium 4 / Athlon 2 GHz
Memory: 512 MB
Video Card: GeForce6200 / Radeon 9600 with 128 MB memory
Audio-card: compatible with DirectX 9.0
Hard disk: 8 GB
About file:
Type of publication: license
The medicine: not required
File format:. Exe
Platform: PC
Screenshots: #1 #2 #3
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